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About us


To learn, live and share Hindu values in order to help build a better cohesive, yet plural British society.



VM has been running for over 10 years and in that time has explored, debated, and argued topics such as identity, education, capitalism, the welfare system, and many others.

We have permanent chapters in London, Leicester, Birmingham, Oxford and Manchester as well as a growing presence across Greater London, Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh. We are also developing VM chapters at selected British universities.   

VM is dedicated to engaging the community.


We have had politicians, authors, journalists, business leaders, and activists speak on our platform. Find out more about our speakers here.


We hope to create an eco-system where the best ideas permeate throughout society, by opening the dialogue between these speakers, who are often experts in their fields, and the wider public, who are encouraged to challenge their own assumptions. 

VM is supported by a growing number of well-wishers who generously donate funds to support our work. If you would like to become a well wisher by donating a monthly amount to further the work of VM, please donate here.

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