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Living, learning, sharing Hindu values for a cohesive and plural British society.

Vichaar (vi’chār) -Ideas, thoughts;
Manthan (man’than) - Churning

Vichaar Manthan is a non-profit public discussion platform based in the United Kingdom. Our mission is to host in-depth public discussions that lead to new ideas on challenges facing society grounded in a (sustainable) Dharmic lens.

Being Different

Live in Conversation with Rajiv Malhotra

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Being Different, Live in Conversation with Rajiv Malhotra, eminent author and founder of The Infinity Foundation.

The VM Podcast

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Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing.

Tune in for an earnest conversation!

Video Library

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Is there a sustainable solution to homelessness?

Is there a sustainable solution to homelessness?

Every individual needs shelter in order to flourish. Yet in the UK, an estimated 250,000 homeless people were living in temporary accommodation in England at the end of June 2020, the highest figures for 14 years (Shelter). Self-contained accommodation during the COVID-19 pandemic was found for over 33,000 rough sleepers or those at risk of rough sleeping by the end of November 2020 (National Audit Office). There is no easy solution to homelessness, which requires policy responses from charities and the state and the contribution of individuals. Homeless charities have adopted as their goal the eradication of homelessness. But what causes homelessness? Is the work that charities do in the UK a sustainable solution to homelessness? Do they make our society more socially responsible for tackling it? And how successfully do they help the homeless to flourish, maintain good wellbeing and become responsible members of society? Join us in conversation with Jon Sparkes to explore the role of charities in sustainably solving the problem of homelessness in British society. Chair: Pravar Petkar, PhD Law at The University of Edinburgh Speaker: Jon Sparkes, CE Crisis Invest in ideas that matter: Join our bookclubs: Listen to the podcast: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Medium:

Our Themes

Dollar Bills

Over the past three centuries we have seen wealth harnessed by individuals, organisations and governments to drive the engine of progress, yet there is a growing consensus that we need to fundamentally shift our paradigms around wealth creation and align market players to more sustainable ends.


Government Building Columns

Governance concerns the structures and institutions necessary to order human interactions in nation-states, corporate bodies and other organisations, to ensure accountability, transparency and protect freedom.


Open Books

A civilisation’s corpus of literary and artistic work acts as a storehouse of collective cultural experience and learned wisdom, against which we can examine and evaluate the sustainability of modern phenomena such as identity politics. This vertical aims to use sustainable measures of progress, which may be encoded in ancient literature, to challenge both the postmodern upheaval of ideas and also grand institutions like the scientific method.

Culture & Literature

Brahma Temple

Religion continues to be a major force in the world. Ideas of divinity or the transcendent have major worldly consequences and thus, any understanding of the world is incomplete without an understanding of its religion, which continue to shape the modern world and the lives of those in it.


Law court

Civics explores how we interact with each other and the state to harmoniously coexist. It concerns our responsibilities to each other and nature, alongside the educational and familial institutions we need to fulfill them.


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